Our Work


We are a Christ-centered residential ministry primarily helping African-American men overcome their life-controlling addictions so they can successfully re-enter society as productive citizens.

In the book of Matthew, Chapter 5, Jesus calls his followers the “…salt of the earth,” and “…the light of the world.” He then tells us to “…let your light shine.” The mission of The House of Refuge is to do exactly that. We are a source of light in the darkness, hope for the hopeless and love to the unloved.

The individuals we serve are often those society values the least. Plagued by addictions, histories of arrest, incarceration and few positive family influences, they are haunted by habits and relationships that leave them feeling hopeless and worthless.

The House of Refuge staff

At The House of Refuge, our mission is to rebuild these broken lives and put them on the path to success and salvation. Each client experiences a renewed sense of purpose and direction. They are our brothers and in their time of need we are here to help them.

Giving a gang member a job isn’t all it takes to make him a productive member of society. He still has to change his thinking.
— Alfred Johnson, Founder
I was a wreck. I was on drugs and in trouble with the court system. These people have helped me get my life on track. Now I’ve got more respect. I’ve got my family back.
— Seth Knight, Former Resident at The House of Refuge


Help us meet the needs of the most under-served members of our community.