Effective communication serves as the crucial cornerstone for nurturing relationships, exchanging ideas, and attaining objectives. Our residents acquire proficiency in various communication scenarios such as presentations, meetings, interviews, and written correspondence. These residents also obtain practical guidance to enhance your listening, writing, speaking, and nonverbal communication skills, while also surmounting impediments and complexities in communication. Our comprehensive communication courses are designed to bolster your confidence, persuasive abilities, and overall influence.
02-HiSET Preparation
Our HiSET program endeavors to provide residents with an opportunity to attain their high school equivalency. Recognizing that the conventional path to completing high school may not be suitable for all, we extend our support to individuals seeking an alternative route to academic accomplishment. Through meticulous preparation and guidance, residents are equipped to undertake their high school equivalency examination, thus fostering the belief in the significance of a robust educational foundation. The House of Refuge remains committed to advocating and facilitating second chances for personal advancement and empowerment.
03- Money Management
Our Money Management Program assumes a central role in the lives of our clients. We recognize the critical significance of proficient money management in shaping our financial well-being and overall quality of life. This program encompasses a diverse range of practices and strategies designed to proficiently oversee and utilize financial resources.
04-Work Smart Live Well
Life presents numerous demands on our time and energy, and achieving work-life balance may seem elusive. Many individuals find themselves perpetually juggling responsibilities without full immersion in any particular task. It is important to recognize that balance is not a fixed state to attain and preserve; rather, it is an ongoing process necessitating continual adjustments throughout one's lifespan. True balance is realized through the seamless integration of all facets of life.
Educational Programs
It's Time to Grow
Our educational programs afford clients the opportunity to engage in a meticulously structured and interconnected array of educational activities. These activities are designed with precision and seamless organization to facilitate the attainment of predetermined learning objectives or the successful completion of a specific set of educational tasks over an extended, continuous period.